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General Scenario

Sue Harass & Badger (SHB) are a top city-based law firm employing 80 partners and 60 legal secretaries. They represent clients across the country and regularly appear in court on their behalf. At each court appearance they may represent six or seven clients which means bringing significant client files for each of them. They had moved some of their files to digital but recently a partner left a laptop containing sensitive client information on a train. News of this made national newspapers and has hugely embarrassed the firm. They’ve now reverted to all-paper record-keeping.

Primary Benefits of applied Aptriva

  1. All client records can be moved to dynamic server-based storage

  2. Remote access to these files is now through a number of dynamic security walls - files are not stored on any device, merely accessed through them

Sample Events

George is a defence lawyer for SHB and today he’s in court in Nottingham representing five of the firm’s clients. All he has with him is his iPad. 

Once he arrives in court he contacts SHB’s access-line and voice recognition combined with an agreed request sentence ensures that his p.i.n. input on the iPad provides him with access to the firm’s legal files. He puts the relevant client files into his live folder which automatically locks him out of all other files unless he requests additional access.

Each file within his live folder is available to him as he works on it - access to the others is behind a security wall. During the course of the day he makes a number of inputs to his clients' files and these go live to the central files on the company’s main servers.

Later that evening he leaves his iPad in a restaurant. It’s taken by someone who spotted the p.i.n. number he inputted earlier that day and enters it. The system immediately sees that this is a bogus attempt to enter the system, provides the user with dummy information, alerts relevant management and begins tracking the device. 

There are no files ‘live’ on the device, so nothing is viewed. The device is subsequently recovered.

Productivity Wins

  • All client information files available to all staff at all times
  • Access control allows privileges to be turned on/off centrally
  • Eliminates the need for lawyers to carry large files around
  • Billable hours recorded on the move, with timesheets and draft invoices completed automatically

Profitability Wins

  • Saving in printing and storage of client files
  • Saving in legal secretaries wage bill

curvedbit is a bespoke, fully secure, business eco-system customised to suit your business needs.
It combines existing business systems, software and devices with smartphone and tablet technology to provide seamless,
real time information and communication to ensure your business functions at maximum performance
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